Amplify Ability – Intake now open

Amplify Ability is a 10-week program for anyone from a migrant or refugee background and looking to make new connections, set and achieve goals and improve their emotional health and wellbeing. Amplify Ability is ideal for people interested in: Goal Setting: Discover and share their passion, wisdom and set personal and social goals with others. Working together: Co-design the program. Share skills ...

International Volunteer Day 2021

International Volunteer Day recognises the tireless work of volunteers around the world. Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) has an incredible group of volunteers who work across a range of programs and activities. Today is a chance to promote, celebrate and observe the efforts of these MRC Tas volunteers and the values they uphold. Case Study: Meet Moon, MRC Tas ...

Bicultural Workers

Providing culturally appropriate support to MRC Tas clients Across Tasmania, MRC Tas is working with a diverse and incredibly unique population. Given this diversity, specialised support is often required to ensure services can effectively engage with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. This is where bicultural workers come in. At MRC Tas, bicultural workers are employed to facilitate cross-cultural communication and ...

Support for Tasmania’s Afghan and Hazara community

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August this year has seen tens of thousands of Afghan citizens displaced from their homes. There is widespread concern within Afghanistan and the international community for many who remain in the country. Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) is focused on supporting the local Tasmanian Afghan and Hazara community at this time and, in ...

MRC Tas Annual Report 2020-2021

The MRC Tas 2020-2021 Annual Report is here! Read about our year, the work we've done and the impact it has had for our Tasmanian clients and community.   Read 2020-2021 Annual Report Read Audited Financial Statements Posted: 08/11/2021 Back to News Feed Share this Post

Meet our new PICAC Officer!

Last week, Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) shared a post in celebration of Seniors Week and the services being provided by the EnCOMPASS program to enhance the support offered to CALD community members. But Seniors Week does not stop here, and there is more important work being done in this space. The Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) program ...

Seniors Week and EnCOMPASS

The 11th to 17th of October sees the celebration of Seniors Week. The week aims to raise awareness of the issues that may affect older people, as well as the contributions they make. Here in Tasmania, Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) is proud to celebrate our older people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds who are valuable members ...

Notice: Annual General Meeting 2021

Notice is hereby given the Migrant Resource Centre (Southern Tasmania) Inc. will hold its Annual General Meeting at 5.30 pm on Wednesday 27 October at 1A Anfield Street, Glenorchy. All members are welcome, but due to space restriction RSVP is essential – Nicola Cox, Public Officer Posted: 12/10/2021

World Mental Health Day

On World Mental Health Day this year, Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) is encouraging a focus on the mental health of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Australia and Tasmania. According to the World Health Organisation, World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness and mobilize global efforts in support of mental health and wellbeing. Today, MRC Tas honours, ...

International Day of Peace

​​On the 21st of September each year, nations and people around the world come together to celebrate International Day of Peace. Initiated by the United Nations, the aim of the day is to “honour a cessation of hostilities” and encourage “education and public awareness on issues related to peace.” It presents an opportunity to reflect on the importance of global ...