Media release: The Walk (Australia) – Better Together

20 September 2024

Chair of Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) the Hon Peter Gutwein will walk from Launceston to Canberra (flying Launceston to Sydney) to highlight that Australia was and is strengthened by migrants, emphasising the importance of cultural diversity and inclusion with a clear message that we are better together.

The Walk, Better Together will take place from 1 to 9 October 2024, with an aim to secure a reaffirmation of commitment as a country to multiculturalism, and raise funds along the way to sustain a conversation about the positive contribution people from a migrant and refugee background make to this country.

“Following the success of The Walk in Tasmania that resulted in more cultural awareness training, we’ve been encouraged by community and business leaders to take the conversation nationally,” Mr Gutwein said. “This new 330-kilometre walk aims to achieve three things. Firstly, increase public understanding and acceptance of the benefits and contributions of a multicultural society, and by doing so reduce racism which too often occurs from a lack of understanding. Secondly, through donations raise funds to support ongoing initiatives that promote the importance and benefits of multiculturalism, and thirdly, encourage Federal Members of Parliament to unify and reaffirm commitment to a multicultural Australia.”

Mr Gutwein said an enduring national conversation about the positive contributions that Australians from migrant and refugee backgrounds make is important.

“We are an inclusive, respectful country but sometimes we let ourselves down. Sadly, racism occurs and remains a leading point of concern for Australian migrant and refugee support and service organisations. Yet, Australians from migrant and refugee backgrounds have helped build this country and continue to positively shape Australia’s community and economy.

“It is why, just as we did with The Walk in Tasmania, we are seeing a growing number of leading Australian businesses and community organisations join forces to support this initiative and help amplify the message, including the Australian Hoteliers Association, Altus and Downer who are providing traffic management services, Canberra Airport, Launceston Airport, national sporting organisations and politicians from all persuasions.

“Organisations support the initiative because they know cultural diversity brings global thinking, new skills and innovation. Australians from a migrant and refugee background contribute to every sector of the economy and community, and by sharing positive stories, we can build a deeper understanding that as Australians – regardless of colour, race, circumstance or background – we are simply, better together.”

Note: The Walk, Better Together will see Peter Gutwein walk from Launceston to Launceston Airport on 1 October, fly to Sydney, before walking from Sydney Airport to Canberra where he will arrive on 9 October.

Media Contact: For further information contact Barbara McGregor 0429 002 769 or