- Invite newcomers to connect with the rich social, cultural and professional capital of Tasmanians.
- Invite local professionals to support culturally diverse workers to reach their potential at work.
- Champion equitable, just, culturally diverse and inclusive workplaces.
Jim Ye, a Migrant Network participant, attended the March Networking meeting and had some fantastic feedback:
“Thank you for organising such an excellent meet-up yesterday. Actually, it was eye-opening! I’ve learned so much about job hunting in Tasmania at the event. MRC Tas is the most inclusive, considerate and pragmatic organisation I have come across since I arrived in Australia. You genuinely want immigrants like me to find a job here, and you are giving us real help. What we shared yesterday gave me so much inspiration and confidence, which means a lot to me. Thank you very much. I can’t wait to come to more of your activities.”
There are lots of ways to become part of the Migrant Network:
Mailing list: https://mailchi.mp/e8798d2a1475/migrant-network
LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13788771/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/migrantnetworktasmania
Website: https://www.migrantnetworktas.org.au/
Posted: 03/05/2022
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