The MRC Tas Social Enterprise Kitchen has reopened for dine-in 4 days a week! Wednesday to Saturday from 10am – 3pm. Come and try our new brunch menu, with lots of vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. You can view the new menu here.
We are also offering takeaway, which you can order via our website. or by dropping into the café.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Social Enterprise Kitchen delivery trial earlier in the year. As a result of the trial, we are pleased to reveal that we have now partnered with UberEats to offer lunchtime delivery (Wed-Sat, 10am-3pm) to Hobart and surrounding suburbs:
As well as serving up delicious food, the MRC Tas Social Enterprise Kitchen supports Tasmanians from migrant and refugee backgrounds through the Hospitality GROW program. Participants gain practical workplace experience, setting them up for further training and employment opportunities in the hospitality industry. This program is delivered in partnership with the Tasmanian Hospitality Association, local hospitality businesses, and the MRC Tas Multicultural Learning Centre.
Read about our current Hospitality GROW participant here. We hope to see you at the Kitchen soon!
The Hospitality GROW program is supported by the Tasmanian Government through the Department for State Growth.